Welcome to the Architecture Student Division! Since the Architecture and Architecture & Engineering Programme along with the two architectural master programmes have a majority of Swedish students, and the Bachelor’s programme is solely Swedish speaking, there is unfortunately not a complete translation of this site in English. Instead, we have put together this international site with most of the important information. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our communicator at a.at.styret@gmail.com.
The Architecture Student Division, or ‘Arkitekturstuderandesektionen’, is the student driven organization at the Architecture and Architecture & Engineering Programme at Chalmers University of Technology. The section consists of all students studying at these programmes along with the associated Master Programmes, and is a branch of Chalmers Student Union.
In our organization, we have several committees and project groups. The committees take care of our entertainments, and arrange everything from pubs and sittings to football teams and the reception for the new students. The project groups work towards the education and professional life, for instance by having course evaluations, workshops and career fairs. The section is headed by the Student Board, commonly known as ‘Styret’, and abide the decisions taken by the members at four to five yearly section meetings.
You can get in touch with our organization through the board. The easiest way is again to send a message to a.at.styret@gmail.com, and they will guide you to the right people and committee/project group.